Shobo Shobo

The Coker CoOp is now Live

After a year away from the blog, I finally have something worthwhile to share!

Shof, Funlola and I have started a little operation of sorts, called Coker CoOp. I hesitate to use the word "company" right now, at the moment it's basically a place where we can focus our collaborative efforts, talk about our process and let folks know what we're working on. Stuff like comics, videogames, statues, jewelry etc based on the ideas that we've come up (including stuff from the Jonahverse) with will go up there.

Some of the stuff will be free, and some of it for sale eventually. It's the biggest and most ambitious thing we've worked on yet, and it's still in its infancy, but we've got grand plans and we sure hope you'll come along for the ride :)

Facebook Page:
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Coker CoOp

Oh! And Merry Christmas to you all ;)
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Shobo Shobo

Today, Nigeria turns 50. Here's some Jupiter Jonah.

So here's something Shof and I whipped up in time to post on Nigeria's 50th anniversary of independence. As you can see, it features almost the entire main cast of Jupiter Jonah and the Eye of Oduduwa (lovingly rendered by my good brother). From left to right, there's the pirate trio of Denarii, Blass and Rashidi, and then the scourge of the seven systems, Captain Stein, Jonah himself, Prospero the gladiator, and Funlola, the renegade.

As a bonus, it's even tricked out in green, white and green! Be sure to check out Shof's blog, he's got another wallpaper he put together to commemorate today :)
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Shobo Shobo

Jupiter Jonah Script 1 is done!

Not that it needed an announcement or anything, and there have been false dawns before, but this time, for real, the script is finally done.

Now we wait for Shof to have the time to start on some layouts, (not rushing you Shof).

In other news I've been working with Yegwa Ukpo at Spaceboy Nigeria on some other comic related projects. I don't know how much I can talk about or show right now, so I'll just point you in this direction, and this one.

Lastly, I'm thinking of picking up an old project from a couple of years ago that I put aside based on the mythology of Nigerian Orishas. I had done some preliminary work on the project with a friend, Bolaji Alausa a few years back, but it didn't really come to anything. I think now might be the right time to pick it up again and finish the project myself.

I think the script might need a polish though...
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Shobo Shobo

Happy New Year!

Considering how long it's been, you'd be forgiven for expecting some sort of art dump, unfortunately you'll get no such satisfaction.

What I have here are is a failed page from Jupiter Jonah. After working on this on and off for a while I decided it just wasn't coming together. The process was far too involved and laborious, and I went from being excited about it to quickly realising it was a major pain. I started over using a more traditional pen and ink approach on paper, then scanning that in and coloring and I think that's what I'm going to stick with.

Below you'll find the initial sketch of the failed page, and failed page itself. Stupid failed page.

The news of the day is that Jonah isn't really my main focus at the moment, as I'm working on something with another Nigerian creator, hopefully, sooner rather than later I'll be able to share, but in the mean time; 

Layout Page

Just not workin'.
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Shobo Shobo

The stuff of nightmares.

I'm plowing away at Jonah and I just got the layout for page 3 done . I'm rather pleased with how it turned out. You'll have to wait a few days for the finished version, but I've included a frame from the full page layout below. In it, our titular hero regards a rather large and seemingly bemused gastropod with a mixture of curiosity and just a tinge of terror.

The layout for page 3 took a lot longer than I expected as I'm quickly realising this book is probably going to have images that are a lot more detailed than I'd expected. There's also the fact that since I'm essentially starting the story about halfway through my original draft of the script, I'm having to do some narrative re-jigging (technical term) and I'm basically making up new scenes and dialogue on the fly to stitch things together. I hope this turns out okay.

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Shobo Shobo

Back to Jonah for a spell

Page 1 was done and dusted in just over a day, but after struggling a tad trying to figure out how I was going to approach Page 2 of Jupiter Jonah vol.1 - wherein our heroes find themselves hurtling toward earth at an alarming rate - I finally decided to scrap my initial sketch layout and start over. You can see below how closely page 1 mirrors my initial idea, and how much page 2 totally does the exact opposite.

You'll notice that these images are pretty small, this is because I figured it might not be the best idea to upload hi-res images of Jonah to the web just yet. That said, I think it's safe to post a few images in "you-can-barely-see-em-o'-vision".

Page 1, as you can see closely resembles the original idea I had for the layout, I wanted something reminiscent of those great Kirby space-vistas,, where space is a hundred different subtle colors, and the title card and text pretty much jump off the page and scream at you. however...
... this original layout for page 2 just didn't work. I felt it was somewhat indulgent to have another large, almost full page panel so soon after the first page, which was also a large full page panel. It really didn't help get the story moving at all. In fact, the only reason I felt drawn to this (nyuk! nyuk!) was because I was eager to draw all kinds of 50's style dials, levers, knobs and whatch-ma-bobbits for the interior of the crashing space ship. I also didn't really like the panel break being diagonal, it's dynamic sure, but JJ isn't really meant to be a dynamic book in that sense.

So I went for this. It's pretty different. They layout is a lot simpler and this "four rectangles a page" layout is one I'm likely to stick to for most of the book with only the occasional deviation. The reason being that I'd like Jonah to be easily adaptable to portable media devices like the Kindle, iPod, Smartphones and PSP, which all have widescreen aspect ratios. I'm also targeting delivery via outlets like the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, so I try to make sure the comic looks good and is legible on an HD screen.

Here's a detail of my favorite panel from page 2.

Anyway, I'm off to start work on page 3, wish me luck!
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Shobo Shobo

Jonah's a star!

Just wanted to say thanks to Shof and Shane, who both went ahead and conjured up their very own interpretations of Jupiter Jonah. I must say I'm rather honored and quite chuffed, makes me excited about getting the comic proper done.

I would take this opportunity to post the unfinished first page of Jupiter Jonah vol. 1, but methinks I should actually start finishing work before posting it.
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Shobo Shobo

Another Jonah character!

Here's what I just got done. It's the design for the character of Funlola in Jupiter Jonah and the Eye of Oduduwa. Jonah runs into Funlola while a captive on board Rex Stein's space-pirateship and the two form a grudging friendship.

I was going for something kind of Buck Rogers-like for her.
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