The Magic of Moonlighting
Moonlighting is an amazing show. A fast talking, pre-Die Hard Bruce Willis, a gorgeous post-Last Picture Show Cybill Shepherd, both engaging in private eye hijinks backed by awesome 80's music and a fist full o' cheese.
I loved the show as a kid, but I haven't really been able to watch reruns since then as pretty much no one seems interested in syndicating it (surprising since Bruce Willis was the male lead and the show was a hit at the time).
Anyway, I recently managed to pick up all five seasons on Amazon for under $50, and am quickly making my way through seasons 1 and 2, loving every minute of it.
What I hadn't realised back then was just how tight the writing on the show was, sure the cases don't really matter, but they're always interesting, and are almost always great ways to put Maddie and David in unexpected situations.
Willis' comic timing in particular is excellent, and I truly wish more directors would cast him in comedic roles, the Fifth Element was a great showcase, but see the criminally forgotten and underrated Hudson Hawk if you don't believe the man has an eye for comedy.
Now, on to dinner.
I loved the show as a kid, but I haven't really been able to watch reruns since then as pretty much no one seems interested in syndicating it (surprising since Bruce Willis was the male lead and the show was a hit at the time).
Anyway, I recently managed to pick up all five seasons on Amazon for under $50, and am quickly making my way through seasons 1 and 2, loving every minute of it.
What I hadn't realised back then was just how tight the writing on the show was, sure the cases don't really matter, but they're always interesting, and are almost always great ways to put Maddie and David in unexpected situations.
Willis' comic timing in particular is excellent, and I truly wish more directors would cast him in comedic roles, the Fifth Element was a great showcase, but see the criminally forgotten and underrated Hudson Hawk if you don't believe the man has an eye for comedy.
Now, on to dinner.